Thursday, February 14, 2008


It was 12 years ago tonight that I was as huge as a condo...very pregnant with James. We had our typical Valentine's dinner but I was not feeling well. I knew James was about to make his appearance. All night I walked in a circle around my coffee table. My house was very little. About 5 a.m. I told Jim I wanted to go to the hospital. I called the doctor and basically lied saying I was having contractions. I wasn't but I just felt terrible. We went in and sure enough, I was dialated to 5 and 100% effaced. James arrived a few hours later. He was 8lbs. 15 ozs. and 21 1/2 inches long. He had a head full of hair!!

I love my daughters dearly, they are different in so many ways, but a son brings a different kind of joy. I can't explain it.

Today, James is a crazy kid. He loves the outdoors and loves playing his guitar. He is a jokester and is usually laughing. He has the softest lips and the most marshmellowy ears. He is alot like me, which drives me crazy because we tend to butt heads alot. But...yet...we are always together.

Happy Birthday My Son. I love you so much and I'm so proud of the young man you are becoming!


Jean said...

Happy Birthday to James!!!!!
He is beautiful! Maybe not the right word to use for a boy, but he is.
I agree-boys are a bit different than girls for sure.

ali said...

Happy Birthday James!!!! I hope he has an awesome day!

Team Immel said...

happy 12th to your dear, sweet, marshmellowed eyed boy! he definately is a cutie! i think i forgot our sons were so close in age! mine turns 13 in may. he loves to play the guitar too.
hope his bday is the best!

Anonymous said...

Tell James Happy Birthday from me. He still looks the same to me as he did in second grade...just a little bigger, but still cute and snuggly looking! ;)